Thursday, August 18, 2011

What happens to AFL draft campers who don't get picked up by a club?

I'm pretty sure every club only has three or four picks, don't they? So what happens to the other young men that don't get drafted?

Do you believe Pres.Bush when he says that if the intel had shown no WMD's the U.S. might not have invaded?

Two years before he took office? You need to show evidence of that one. Perhaps you are confusing this with plans that were constructed during the Clinton Presidency. If that were the case, remember, it was no secret that Sadam was a bad guy and deposing him could have always been a scenario, but so were other directions. It's called planning for different possibilities.

How is my acne routine? Please critque?

Are you still breaking out? If so the only other thing I would say is, when you wash your face use hot water, as hot as you can stand. Because the hot water will open your pores and allow the soap to get in there and clean. Then when you rinse use cold water, as cold as you can stand, and that will help to close up the pores so that bacteria, and other acne causing bacteria can't get into the pores. Other than that, sounds like you have a great face cleaning technique :)

World Religions Help!?!?

I will not help you cheat on your homework! Religion is a subject that you need to understand completely to be a tolerant and loving citizen of the world. Take the time to learn it, you won't regret it.

Irish singer? anyone know song/artist?

this is a ques for any irish peeps..a song i heard last sat on today fm, lyrics go like, 'the night of my life'....then another line i recall is, 'in this great moment'. its a male singer, gets kinda high in parts, beautiful haunting song... so if anyone knows the song and the artist, i'll be chuffed, cheers!

I need to study for a midterm? Is this fair?

If you learn the material as you go along there is really no reason to '"CRAM" for any test. I don't have a college degree, but I have had numerous courses in the military and in civilan jobs and have never had to study for a test.

Carry In at Work Ideas?

good old-fashioned Texas Frito Pie!! Make a crock-pot of your favorite chili con carne, and carry to work w/ a large bag of fritos (or other corn chip, but similar type), sharp shredded cheddar cheese and salsa or sour cream if desired. to serve, crush a layer of fritos into bottom of bowl, add a layer of chili, and top w/ cheese. Salsa and sour cream are optional but good, and to cut out serving dishes (also fun for kids' parties) use individual size frito bags, cut lengthwise, ladle in chili and eat out of hand!!